Down to Earth is an organic food brand from the house of Morarka Organic. An enterprise, that is the outcome of more than 12 years of organic food research and development and is in accordance with the most stringent organic certification in the industry. 'Down To Earth' is an attempt to provide food that can bring harmony and wellness in life for all.
With a plethora of products that gives you the organic substitute for all your food requirements, it is India's contribution to the global organic revolution. Down to Earth is striding ahead with the aim of improving the quality of life by improving the quality of food.
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Mr. Kamal Morarka
Morarka Organic traces its roots to the Morarka Foundation and the Morarka family. Its chairman Mr. Kamal Morarka firmly believed that more than resources, it is the resource management capabilities of the rural poor that needs immediate intervention.
An industrialist, politician and social worker, Mr. Morarka has many facets to him.
His initiatives, with the M.R.Morarka GDC Rural Research Foundation, have been able to make a difference in the lives of villagers from one of the most backward areas of Rajasthan.
Although Mr. Morarka was born and brought up in Mumbai, he visited Shekhawati quite often in his childhood. It was the seat of all religious ceremonies in the family. The backwardness of the region in stark contrast with the dynamism of Mumbai, was a reality check. Thus his activities in Shekhawati along with the Morarka Foundation, is his way of giving back to his roots.
In essence, Mr. Kamal Morarka and the Morarka Foundation's activities are directed extensively towards social concerns. The effort is towards creating sustainable and economically balanced solutions for rural communities. Morarka Organic keeps this philosophy in mind and works for a better tomorrow by bringing about a change, today.